
Synesthesia is a multi-sense project. The graphic music sheet design was interpreted by musicians and writers, these performances were illustrated and edited in a collection of 4 boxes with 4 small books each and 4 corresponding music cds.

With the result it was verified that it is possible to feel the music through the sense of sight.

Collaborating writers: Paúl Tellería, Marta Ríos, Pablo Deheza, Gustavo A. Siles Soria, Mariana Lacunza, Rodrigo Hasbún, Gary Daher, Gabriel Iriarte Rico, Miguel Esquirol Vives, Leonardo de la Torre, Ramón Rocha Monrroy, Claudio Ferrufino-Coqueugniot.

Collaborating musicians: El cuarteto de Ricardo Luna, Raúl Ybarnegaray, Karloz de la Torre, Juan Ernesto Saavedra, Andrés Razzini, Alejandro Gonzalez, Manuel Monrroy Chazareta, Analía Abad.
